Seminar: Classroom management and teaching quality
作者:SFL 来源:SFL 发表于:2021-04-08 16:29:31 文章点击数:[]
On April 7, 2021. a seminar titled "Standardizing Classroom Management and Improving Teaching Quality" was carried out in Lecture Hall C, Lianhu Campus. All the staff of the SFL including L. J. , a foreign teacher, participated in this meeting.
It is a classroom managemnet workshop: working with difficult students. The skill enhancement for tertiary teachers work with troublesome students while they are providing a teaching service to the learners. However, it is also a pratical workshop in how to respond and obtain useful strategies of handling. L. J. stated and shared his opinions with all teachers present.
Some tips are used to implement effective classroom management: develop a relationship with students, present clear expectations and hold students accountable. Regarding the mode of teacher-student classroom interaction, four management styles are concluded: authoritarian; authoritative; persimmisive and indulgent.
Classroom mangement is not about controlling students or demanding perfect behviour. Effective management is about supporting students to manage themseleves throughout daily learning and activities.
With discussions and exchanges in pedagogical methods, teachers, particularly young teachers further acknowledge the importance of the management to guarantee teaching quality.