The Red Rock Spirit
作者:SFL 来源:SFL 发表于:2021-05-28 09:11:11 文章点击数:[]
The political wisdom of perseverance and persistence; the political character of “being immaculate in the mud and not contaminated by the same stream”; the broad-mindedness of treating each other with sincerity and uniting the majority; the heroic spirit of dealing with adversity and preferring hardships to difficulties.
The Red Rock Spirit was formed in the process of the Anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War, in the great practice of the Southern Bureau headed by Zhou Enlai in creatively implementing the Party’s anti-Japanese national united front, and in the intricate political environment and sharp confrontation of political struggle in the rear area. During the Anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War, a large number of communists of the Southern Bureau always held firm to their ideals and beliefs, extensively united the anti-Japanese democratic forces in the National Unification Area, actively consolidated and expanded the anti-Japanese national united front, and made every effort to safeguard the overall situation of the national war of resistance. They withstood all kinds of temptations in a special environment, withstood the test of life and death, and made great sacrifices for the cause of Chinese people’s liberation. A large number of revolutionary martyrs emerged, represented by Jiang Zhuyun, Wang Pu, Xu Xiaoxuan, Chen Ran, etc., and cultivated the great Spirit of Red Rock (Hongyan). The spirit of Hongyan is the crystallization of the spirit of communism, the spirit of the nation and the spirit of the times, and is the embodiment of the fine tradition and style of the Chinese Communist Party in a particular historical environment. Jiang Zemin pointed out that “the spirit of Hongyan fully embodies the lofty ideological realm, the vertical ideals and beliefs, the tremendous strength of character and the revolutionary spirit of the old generation of proletarian revolutionaries, communists and revolutionary aspirants. The spirit of Hongyan, like the spirit of Jinggangshan, the spirit of Long March and the spirit of Yan’an, is a valuable spiritual treasure of the Chinese Communists and the Chinese nation.
刚柔并济,锲而不舍的政治智慧;“出淤泥而不染,同流不合污”的政治品格;以诚相待,团结多数的宽广胸怀;善处逆境,宁难不苟的英雄气概。 红岩精神是在抗日战争和解放战争的洗礼中,在以周恩来为首的南方局创造性地贯彻执行党的抗日民族统一战线的伟大实践中,在大后方错综复杂的政治环境和尖锐对立的政治斗争中形成的革命精神。抗日战争和解放战争时期,一大批南方局共产党人始终坚定理想信念,广泛团结国统区抗日民主力量,积极巩固和扩大抗日民族统一战线,全力维护全民族抗战大局。他们在特殊环境中经受各种诱惑,经受住生死考验,为中国人民解放事业做出了巨大牺牲,涌现出以江竹筠、王朴、许晓轩、陈然等为代表的一大批革命英烈,培育形成了伟大的红岩精神。红岩精神是共产主义精神、民族精神、时代精神的結晶,是中国共产党优良传统与作风在特定历史环境中的体现。江泽民指出:红岩精神充分体现了老一辈无产阶级革命家、共产党人和革命志土的崇高思想境界、竖定理想信念、巨大人格力量和浩然革命正气。红岩精神同井冈山精神、长征精神, 延安精神一样,都是中国共产党人和中华民族的宝贵精神财富。